To be honest the chances of there being any snow where we live between now and Christmas is slim to none, so not wanting the two Aj's to miss out on the fun of building a snowman I decided to make my own snow! I used a recipe I found on
The Imagination Tree and added a couple of raisins to be used for buttons etc.
Arthur was very excited, but the snowman making soon changed into fun with his toy polar bear, digging for food, building tunnels and putting him to bed. Alyssa enjoyed watching it 'snow' as I picked it up and sprinkled it, she really enjoyed trying to catch it.
I was very surprised that Arthur played with it for over an hour, and when asked if it could be tidied away for dinner he said, "no me still playing!" Very unusual for Arthur, but he was having fun telling me the bear was hunting, digging etc, and making up his own little stories, so it all worked on his vocabulary.
The front room is a complete mess now though even with a blanket and a bit of plastic underneath! But fun was had and snowmen made so that is the most important bit!
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Building a snowman |
Playing together in the snow! |
Arthur's snowman |
Digging for food |
Sparkly pretty snow! |