Today we have plasterers in so we were unable to go anywhere, also the weather has been a bit up and down today with sudden heavy showers, so today was an indoor day. After a bit of thought I decided to have a pirate themed day full of crafts, stories and games to keep Arthur and Alyssa amused, and myself too obviously!
I started off getting Arthur to paint an egg box to create a pirate treasure chest, a map and a jolly roger flag. Whilst this was being left to dry we sang pirate related songs with a little pirate wash glove I found in a charity shop once for 50p that lives in our song sack! We sang:
Row row row your boat, which Alyssa enjoyed joining in with her big brother rowing,
The big ship sails on the ally ally oh!
The pirate song
A sailor went to sea, sea, sea
And we also read a lovely little story about pirate treasure from Arthur's book 365 stories and rhymes for boys. Lunchtime rapidly approached and I decided to keep with the theme and make a fleet of ships for tea, open ham finger rolls with pineapple flags! His afternoon snack was Captain Snots treasure, custard with pineapple, dessicated coconut and sprinkles.
Whilst they where asleep I set up the front room and buried the treasure! I turned the sofa around to make his ship, the two arm chairs became 'dead mans cave,' I made a 'Cardigan bay', my rubbish humour! And he loves reading a book with his granny called 'Pirates love underpants,' which has a line about 'big knickers bay', so I recreated a mini version of this too.
When he woke up we dressed up in our pirate outfits and searched for the treasure, Alyssa was 'Baby Face Jones', Arthur was 'Captain Snot nose' and I was the 'Evil Captain Orange Tash'! We all had a great time running around, crawling through caves, jumping rivers and blasting each other with ball pool cannon balls, but I wasn't impressed when Snot nose didn't save me when Baby face had me by the nose!!
Painting the treasure chest |
Pirate Pete and Alyssa |
The finished piece |
The treasure |
Boats?? |
Snots treasure |
Baby face Jones |
Captain Snot nose |
Evil Captain Orange tash |
Cardigan bay |
Wide view in Pirate Pete's rock |
Big Knickers bay |
The ship |
Playing with the treasure |
Alyssa meets the locals |
All tired out! |
A great day of imagination, creativity, and counting the steps on the map! Will have to remember all this for International Talk like a pirate day! Yes there really is one!! 19th September!