Monday, 14 October 2013

Sequin bats!

In preparation for Halloween, I rummaged through my Halloween box, yes I have a box of crafts and bits specifically for Halloween!  I found a lovely simple craft kit that I bought from a supermarket in the sale after Halloween last year, I love rummaging around the supermarkets for things in the days after a holiday and stowing them away till for the following year. 

The craft uses foam bat shapes, although i'm sure paper ones would work just as well, and sequins and glitter glue.  The kit also included pipe cleaners to make them into finger puppets, but I didn't do this as I have another plan for them. 

The glue in the kit was quite hard to squeeze out, even I struggled, so I worked on Arthur's communication and got him to tell me where he wanted the glue, so he could then stick things down.  I was very surprised that Arthur put his eyes in the correct places, I was half expecting them to be all over the place.  He had great fun sticking them down and being creative, and Alyssa had great fun playing with her teether and an up decorated bat. 


Alyssa playing

Sticking sequins


TADAH! All ready for Halloween!

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