Thursday, 28 November 2013

Pilgrims picnic

To celebrate thanksgiving, we started the day pretending to be Native American Indians, using our Indian headbands we made recently, and the pop up tent became our Teepee.  I found some music on the internet and we danced around the 'camp' and banged on our drum.   Arthur enjoyed galloping around on his hobby horse, before hiding in the teepee crying 'the Indians are coming, quick hide!"  We also had a little mega blocks campfire built out of orange and yellow flames, but that didn't last long. 

Soon it was time for lunch and our Pilgrims picnic, I grabbed some of our teddies and put a few in little Pilgrim style hats, and laid out our Thanksgiving Dinner we made the other day.  Then I laid out some simple picnic food for use to eat.  It was great fun as we soon ate up, and were continuing our feast with our pretend food, endless amounts of chicken and cherry pie with Ice cream and custard were consumed before it was time to tidy up.  I thought I was being clever laying all the food out on an old curtain to make it easier to clean up, but once all the plates were removed Arthur took it as an ideal opportunity to whip the curtain up and down really fast making the crumbs and leftovers fly EVERYWHERE!!! But that wasn't the worst part of the day for me, that would have to be opening the door to a delivery guy dressed up like and Indian!! Queue slight embarresment, but the cries of 'lets play Indians' from Arthur were definitely worth it, and Alyssa seems to be following Arthur in his love of dressing up which is fantastic fun!

My Little Indian

Even mummy joined in!

Playing on the drums

My little Chief!

The teepee

Pilgrim Marley

A Pilgrims picnic for Thanksgiving

Talking with Marlene

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