Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Bird cake

Looking out the window the other day I noticed that our bird feeder was empty, so not wanting to neglect all those hungry birdies, I decided that we would make a new bird cake.  I looked at various recipes online and made up my own mixture based on the ones I had found. 

mixed seeds
chopped nuts

I didn't used any specific amounts, I just mixed it until it looked right, it's really easy, just warm the lard to room temperature, squish it with your hands, which Arthur adored doing, feeling it squidge through his fingers.  Then mix in all the other ingredients and pop it in the fridge for half an hour or so to set.

Once we finally put it out, Arthur was very excited to see the birds eating it, so we sat by the window with a bird book to help identify the birds.  He learned to tell the difference between a Crow and a Blackbird by their orange beak, and was overjoyed when a Robin nearly tried his cake, but then he got over excited, shouted, banged on the window and the Robin flew away.



All ready for eating

Hanging it up ready

Bird watching!

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