Tuesday 11 March 2014

Sunshine and simple things!

Saturday was a day of sunshine (the first in a long time!!!) and simple things, we headed off into the big city to look around and meet some friends, after a little bit of shopping it was time for some lunch.  So taking advantage of the sun, we opted for a picnic, we bought yummy sausage rolls and fruit and crisps and headed towards the Hoe to look at the sea and watch some boats.

After our lunch we ran around playing games of chase and races, making the most of the dry grass.  we had set little boundary areas for the children to run around in based on the flag poles so they wouldn't run too far.  This was especially useful when I was chasing after Arthur and his friends like a big monster, stomping my feet like a sumo wrestler and roaring!!  Only when you have children can you seem to be excused from such behavior and looked upon with smiles, rather than concern for your mental well being!!

We then headed a bit closer to the sea so we could watch the boats coming in and out,which fascinated all of them even though they were varied from age 5 to 1!  After a while it was time to head off, but not before Arthur spotted a little boy rolling down the hill, and promptly join in!  I looked around and suddenly other little boys on the other side of the path started doing the same thing, as if suddenly reminded of this simple childhood pleasure.  It was so lovely watching him giggle and join in, but soon he reached the bottom and had to walk all the way back up with his friends. 

After our fiends had left us it was time to meet with Nanna and take Alyssa's first bus ride to Nanna's house!  Whilst walking through town to the bus stop we passed a busker, Arthur was a little tired so I was carrying him, and he started to dance, so embracing the moment I swung him round with me a few times and danced and listened to the music with him for a little bit.  It reminded me of an article I had read where a famous musician was busking in a station and everyone was so busy rushing around they failed to notice.  It reminded me that sometimes it's better to create a happy memory and be a little late, than to constantly rush on not appreciate the little things!

Finally we reached the bus stop and both the Aj's gazed out the window in awe of the world whizzing by, and the simple delights of pushing the bell, buying a ticket and thanking the bus driver, which all seem trivial to us as grownups, are little experiences filled with wonder to these small people with such positive outlooks on the world. I think it's about time we all start to be a bit more young at heart, and take pleasure in the simple things!

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